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Implementation Services

Demand Driven Implementation Projects


The Demand Driven approach is the careful alignment of the organization and its assets with that of the market and/or consumption. This approach will fundamentally impact most areas of a company. This includes careful synchronization of sales, planning, scheduling and execution with consumption. Thus, in developing a Demand Driven organizational strategy it will require the involvement of all functional leaders and key players within an organization.


No matter the size of your organization, CMG has a proven and effective process to implement Demand Driven methods throughout Operations. With a combination of highly skilled and experienced consultants and mature scalable technology CMG can meet your implementation objectives in a relatively short period of time.


Our implementations follow a four phase process:
Phase 1: Demand Driven Design and Assessment
Phase 2: Pilot and Proof of Concept (Initial Go-Live)
Phase 3: Implementation Expansion
Phase 4: Sustainment




Phase 1: Demand Driven Design and Assessment


In the design and assessment phase CMG works with a small experienced client team in order to:


1. Understand the current landscape of the supply chain.
2. Transfer basic Demand Driven concepts to key client personnel.
3. Build a Demand Driven design for the client.
4. Model and simulate that design. Data templates are furnished to the client in advance of the session. The design that is formulated would be combined with the data that is provided through that template in order to create two things:

a. A working capital snapshot that would show the inventory compression potential available through the concepts and design. This snapshot would show the gap between current levels (both too high and too low) and proposed inventory positions and levels. The snapshot would also provide a “cash flow impact” over time as some positions may need to be built and others drained.
b. A simulation will take 6 months of past data and simulate how the design would perform over that time frame.

5. Create a business case based on the design, model and simulation.




Phase 2: Implementation Planning


Once the design is set implementation planning begins. CMG resources work hand in hand with the client implementation team getting ready for Go-Live.
Implementation Planning Includes:

  • Forming a project team

  • Providing access to Intuiflow if necessary

  • Developing data exchange process for software tools

  • Transferring model into software tools

  • Conducting concept training to relevant personnel

  • Conducting software user training to relevant personnel

  • Selecting buffer profile and routing families for specific parts

  • Testing the data exchange process

  • Conducting rehearsal sessions

  • Resolving open items and issues

  • Completing ‘Go Live’ checklist

  • ‘Go Live’ with the system




Phase 3: Go-Live and Cutover


Once Go-Live has occurred CMG resources continue to work with the client implementation team to expand the implementation to full scope and design and to assist with any obstacles that arise.


  • Attend implementation and buffer meetings as necessary

  • Monitor usage of the system (uploads, transactions, order creation, buffer statuses)

  • Alert implementation team to potential problems

  • Help clarify and interpret analytics

  • Assist in troubleshooting any problems

  • Assist in design modifications if necessary




Phase 4: Sustainment

CMG offers quarterly and semi-annual audits in order to help keep implementations on track.

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DDI Affiliate Educational Services

CMG through the affiliation of The Demand Driven Institute (DDI) offers Demand Driven certification programs.
The Demand Driven Planner (DDP)™ Program

The Demand Driven Planner (DDP) program is designed for planning, purchasing and supply chain personnel responsible for maintaining a DDMRP implementation.  Designed by the leading authorities on DDMRP at the Demand Driven Institute, the Demand Driven Planner program is comprised of 13 modules of in-depth DDMRP education. The DDP Program is THE official preparatory course for the Demand Driven Planner Professional (DDPP)™ certification exam.

The Demand Driven Leader (DDL)™ Program

The Demand Driven Leader (DDL) program equips senior and mid-level operations and supply chain managers with the ability to design, implement and sustain a Demand Driven Operating Model including parameter settings through Demand Driven S&OP (DDS&OP).  Designed by the leading authorities on Demand Driven methods at the Demand Driven Institute, the Demand Driven Leader program is comprised of 7 modules of in-depth Demand Driven education. The DDL Program is THE official preparatory course for the Demand Driven Planner Professional (DDLP)™ endorsement certification test.

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